
How To Find Out What Ram I Have Windows 10

How much RAM does your Windows 10 PC really need?

RAM, or random access retentiveness, is a vital hardware component used by your Windows 10 PC to store temporary information that can be accessed quickly by software, speeding up processes and keeping you from banging your head confronting the desk in frustration. Essentially, the more than RAM you take, the more you tin have going on at one time.

The amount of RAM you need in your PC depends on what you plan on doing — gaming, for example, takes a generous amount of RAM, and media editing tin can take a lot of RAM. Let's find out how much RAM you lot currently have, what type of RAM is compatible with your system, and how much RAM yous should take for specific daily tasks.

  • Benefits of upgrading your RAM
  • How much RAM practise you actually demand?
  • Choosing RAM speeds
  • Your PC'southward RAM configuration
  • Best RAM for your PC

Benefits of upgrading your RAM

Let's go one matter straight: adding RAM to your figurer is not a process that volition magically make everything faster. Information technology will, nonetheless, aid your PC in multitasking and performing heavy duties like gaming and multimedia editing. More RAM doesn't make the estimator faster, but it will make it harder for it to get bogged down.

If y'all have a PC with a beefy graphics card (GPU) and fast processor (CPU) but you can't figure out why 17 browser tabs won't simultaneously load without grinding things to a halt, adding RAM will probably assistance.

If you have an old PC that y'all desire to eke a few more years out of, adding RAM could make the deviation between a couple years of frustration and a couple years of fond memories.

How much RAM do you really need?

How much RAM you need in your PC depends heavily on what yous use your PC for on a day-to-day basis and on how long you intend to go along the estimator. If you're thinking of investing in a completely new machine in the near future, waiting things out might be the best bet.

If you already have a calculator you dear only want to shift gears into a different daily task that requires better performance, upgrading your RAM every bit office of the procedure is a great idea.


If y'all use your Windows 10 computer for word processing, checking emails, browsing the net, and playing Solitaire, y'all should have no problem using 4GB of RAM. If you lot are performing all of these activities at once, withal, y'all might experience a dip in performance.

A lot of budget PCs come up with 4GB of RAM as a base option, only if you plan on keeping your machine for several years, opting for 8GB of RAM is the safer bet, even if y'all merely use information technology for light duties.


I'grand not talking nearly Solitaire — heavy PC gaming at acceptable performance levels requires a substantial amount of RAM. Popular esports titles like DOTA 2, CS:GO, and League of Legends volition allow you lot to become away with 4GB, but other popular titles, like Fallout four, Witcher 3, and DOOM, will demand at least 8GB to run properly.

If you lot're a gamer and want to ensure you have enough RAM for some current titles and future titles, get with at least 16GB. If your budget allows, why not push information technology upwardly to 32GB?

Related: Best current RAM deals

Virtual reality (VR)

VR is a relatively new medium, at least in its latest incarnation, and it requires a adept clamper of RAM to run smoothly. I'thou referencing HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, and Windows Mixed Reality (WMR) here, all of which should have at to the lowest degree 8GB of RAM on the associated PC to run smoothly.

The Vive only recommends 4GB, but, honestly, become with at to the lowest degree 8GB; you take to take into business relationship the games you'll be playing, many of which require a decent amount of RAM to run smoothly.

Game streaming

If you'd like to join the thousands who stream video of themselves playing games or other activities, become with at least 8GB of RAM but consider opting for 16GB or even 32GB depending on the game's requirements. Your PC has to deal with both running the game and streaming video to the net at the same fourth dimension.

Need a mitt getting your stream set up? We accept a guide for that!

Come across a beginner's guide to Mixer streaming

Video and photograph editing

This actually depends on your workload. If you're editing a lot of Hard disk video, go for 16GB or more. If you're working with photos and a scrap of video thrown in, 8GB should get you through.

Editing apps will work on lower amounts of RAM, but yous'll go so frustrated with the poor performance you'll soon first yearning for an upgrade. Don't skimp here.

Choosing RAM speeds

Not only do you need to recall about how much RAM you accept, you also need to think nearly the speed of the RAM in your PC. RAM'south frequency affects the maximum bandwidth. If you want more than information to be moved back and along at once, you demand to go with RAM with a college frequency. Latency, on the other hand, is how fast your RAM realizes it needs to deed when the CPU calls on it.

Column Access Strobes (CAS) latency has increased as the frequency of RAM has increased, but true latency has remained nearly the same due to a subtract in clock cycle times. That ways you tin go high-speed DDR4 RAM with about the aforementioned true latency equally older DDR3 RAM that's merely nigh one-half the speed.

If you're doing whatsoever sort of high-performance task on your PC, opting for a college frequency — measured in megahertz (MHz) — is the best program of action.

Your PC's RAM configuration

RAM configurations differ depending more often than not on your motherboard. Some motherboards have four dual inline memory module (DIMM) slots for RAM, some have ii, some have a lot more than. Here'southward how to see how much RAM you currently have, what type of RAM is compatible with your PC, and how many slots you're currently working with.

How to check your PC's electric current amount of RAM

This method will simply and apace tell you how much RAM your PC currently has installed:

  1. Right-click the Start push button.
  2. Click Organisation.
  3. Verify the Installed memory (RAM) line. (In this case, you lot tin can see I have 8GB of RAM installed.)

    Click System. Verify the Installed memory (RAM) line.

How to check RAM configuration and uniform RAM using Crucial System Scanner

To take things fifty-fifty further, Crucial System Scanner is a great app that will browse your computer and evidence you lot how much total RAM your motherboard and processor tin can handle, how many slots are available for RAM, and some options for purchasing uniform RAM.

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click the checkbox next to Concur to the terms & weather condition.
  3. Click download the scanner.

    Click the checkbox next to Agree to terms and conditions. Click download the scanner.

  4. Click Save. The download will begin.
  5. Click Run when the download is complete.

    Click Save. Click Run.

When the browse is complete you lot volition see on the left side of the window a memory section with the number of slots for RAM and the maximum corporeality of RAM your PC's motherboard can handle. In this case, the motherboard has two slots and tin handle up to 32GB of RAM.

You volition see on the right side of the window a list of compatible RAM available for purchase from Crucial. This is a articulate indicator of what type of RAM your PC uses, and is a great tool for anyone non comfortable with buying RAM on their own. In this case, you can meet that my PC is using DDR4 SODIMM RAM.

Crucial system scan results

RAM is available in two mutual types: DDR3 and DDR4. DDR4 is newer than DDR3 and uses a different pin configuration to fit into your motherboard. For this reason, DDR3 RAM can't become into a motherboard designed for DDR4, and vice versa. Likewise, "small outline dual inline memory module" (SODIMM) RAM won't fit in a standard RAM slot — it's simply too modest. If you're using a laptop or an all-in-ane PC, chances are y'all've got SODIMM RAM within, so continue that in heed when y'all're buying RAM.

Related: How to install RAM in your desktop or laptop PC

Best RAM for your PC

Once y'all adamant how much RAM yous need for your specific PC duties and what type of RAM works with your processor and motherboard, you tin can commencement shopping.

If y'all aren't completely confident when buying RAM, worry not. We've put together an ultimate RAM buyer's guide that should reply any questions y'all might still have. Plus, check out our roundup of the all-time DDR4 RAM bachelor now for some bully suggestions.

  • Ultimate RAM buyer's guide for Windows 10 PC users
  • Best DDR4 RAM for your PC
  • How to option the correct PC upgrades for you

Updated June 27, 2018: We refreshed this commodity to ensure you're still getting current data virtually how much RAM you actually need in a PC.


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